Free Guide To Pinterest

Here's another great offering from Make Use Of, one of my favorite websites: Your Guide To Pinterest.

This guide, a free download, will teach you how to get the most out of Pinterest whether you’re already a registered user or you have only heard of it recently. Pinterest -- which stands for Pin Your Interests -- is a great way to save, organize, and share products, pictures, and ideas you like.

Warning: Be sure you do not post anything that you do not have the rights to post. This includes pictures, text, etc.

Begun in 2009, Pinterest has over 20 million users. A report from The Social Habit stated that 21% of social media users have a Pinterest account. Forbes called Pinterest the third most popular social networking site after Facebook and Twitter.

So go grab your guide. It's easy. Just read the instructions: How To Download on the website.

Takeaway Truth

The Internet contains a wealth of free information. Free is, as Kellogg's Tony the Tiger said, "Great!"

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