I've had so many requests in the last week for this article that I figured it was easier to publish it again rather than keep sending links by email to those who asked for it.
As noted below, this article originally appeared in
Writing Hacks, my subscription newsletter, then, in November 2011, here on the blog. I believe all the information is still correct. The only other bit of advice I'll offer is to save what you fill in as you go along so that if it locks up, you can just paste in the info again -- that would be book blurb and excerpt. If you start having problems with the form not taking the info, try clicking SUBMIT after every step. Cumbersome but it works.
AllRomanceEbooks sells a lot of books. If you write anything in the romance genre, or a mixed genre book with a strong romance, you need to be selling your books here.
Through their sister site
OmniLit, they publish other genres and nonfiction.
Note: This article originally appeared in
Writing Hacks, my subscription newsletter for writers on October 13, 2011. Subscription form is at the right if you'd like information like this as soon as it's available. )
What You Should Know First
1. As an indie author, you are also a publisher so don't be scared away when registration information talks about you the publisher and doesn't mention author. Just use your name as publisher.
2. You need an ISBN number to register. If you haven't purchased ISBN's for your ebooks, go ahead and register then use the website Contact Form to request ARe provides you with a unique numbering system that you will use from Book 1 to infinity for your books.
3. If you choose to register ISBNs, read the FAQ by Joan on SlingWords, and the post Understanding ISBN on the blog.
Get Started
1. Click Publisher/Authors on the main page to open the window with the required forms and the FAQ links.
2. Read the FAQ.
3. Follow instructions to register.
This will save you time and effort.
1. Always use CTRL-C to copy and CTRL-V to paste. Right click doesn't give the same results.
2. At this time, if you don't have ISBN's, contact ARe and wait to hear back before you proceed because you cannot register a book without ISBN or ARe Identification Number.
3. Choose which formats you'll use and format your book file for those in advance. (Can do this while you're waiting for numbers.)
All Romance Ebooks and OmniLit sell ebooks in many formats. Choose all or select only the ones you want to offer. (Next time I'll offer some websites to help you with formats.)
These are the Formats currently used on All Romance Ebooks and OmniLit:
Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
Palm DOC/iSolo (PDB)
Microsoft Reader (LIT)
Franklin eBookman (FUB)
Hiebook (KML)
Mobipocket (PRC) and (MOBI)
Rocket (RB)
Open eBook (ePub) -- 2epub.com
Print or POD (enter URL)
4. Write your author bio and save it in a plain text file in a desktop note taker like Flashnotes where it's ready to cut and paste into each ADD BOOK form.
5. Format your Excerpt that you'll paste into the form. Again, use plain text file because the form won't take paragraph indentations, etc.
Now You're Ready To Rock & Roll
If you've got your ISBN or numbering system assigned, and you've done the above steps then you're ready to sign your books up.
1. Click BOOK MAINTENANCE / ADD BOOK -- once you start, you can't save the form in progress. If you close the window, you lose what you filled in.
2. Fill out every box. If this is the first time you've added a book, you'll need to set up your AUTHOR NAME. Follow the instructions. After you've set it up, in the future, if you need to find your author name in a search, you'll do it FIRST NAME LAST NAME, not last name first order in the Author Database on the publisher forms.
3. Upload the various manuscript formats. I've found it's faster to upload 1 format at a time. If you try to do too many formats, it locks up or slows to a crawl.
4. When you are finished, check the entire form to make sure the info "stuck" before hitting submit.
5. Click submit.
6. After the form processes, click on the entry to see how it looks. At this point, check TAGS and fill that in if the form didn't offer you the chance to do so before.
7. Repeat the process for the next book.
If you have any questions, make a comment, and I'll try to help. Good luck!
Takeaway Truth
All Romance Ebooks is very popular with romance readers, and they have huge subscription base. Be there or bemoan the loss of sales.