Paying market for writers

Writers struggling to make a living at writing look for every legitimate opportunity to get paid for their words. Each week Cindi Myers aka Cynthia Sterling (new release is The Man Tamer from Harlequin Blaze for May 2007) publishes a newsletter that is worth subscribing to, and it's free. She offers market news for fiction writers and freelancers. Anyone can sign up by sending a blank email to: cynthiasterling-subscribe @ (take out those spaces).

Today's edition offers a paying market for anyone who can write those poignant slice of life stories as published in the Cup of Comfort series as posted below.

"The bestselling Cup of Comfort book series is looking for stories for five new volumes. Stories should be between 1000 and 2000 words, uplifting and original. Preference is given to narrative nonfiction that reads like fiction. Payment is $100 plus a copy of the book in which the story appears. One story from each volume receives a $500 grand prize.

Editors are looking for stories with the following themes:

A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers - stories that portray horses as companions, helpers, messengers, healers, teachers, heroes, and inspirational forces in people’s lives as well as stories about the incredible things that people do out of love for a horse or horses. Submission Deadline: 5/15/07

A Cup of Comfort for Cat Lovers - original and compelling testaments to the deep connection between cats and the people who love them as well as heartwarming and humorous tales about truly amazing felines. Most of the stories in the book will be about domestic cats (pets), but the editors are also interested in stories about feral and exotic cats. Submission Deadline: 7/01/07

A Cup of Comfort for Breast Cancer Survivors - uplifting stories about the experiences and emotions involved in battling and surviving breast cancer. Possible story themes include but are not limited to: diagnosis, treatment, emotional impact, support systems, healing practices, coping mechanisms, effect on loved ones, effect on personal and/or professional life, life after recover, prognosis, positive post-cancer outcomes. Submission Deadline: 8/15/07

A Cup of Comfort for Spouses & Children of People with Alzheimer’s - The inspiring stories in this collection will will show how love prevails and how lives thrive when a spouse or parent has Alzheimer’s. Submission Deadline: 10/15/07

A Cup of Comfort for Divorced Women - uplifting, contemporary stories on a wide range of topics of importance to divorced women—including but not limited to: dating, children, relationship with ex, in-laws, finances, friends, solitude, personal transformation, healing, revenge, mending fences, the ex’s new wife or lover, empowerment, rediscovery of self. The majority of stories will be written by women who are or have been divorced. Stories can be poignant, irreverent, humorous, witty, or wise. Submission Deadline: 12/31/2007

Submit stories by email to wordsinger @ (take out spaces of course). Paste the story into the body of the email - no attachments, please. Detailed writer’s guidelines available."

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