The writing process

I normally refrain from writing, that is, writing with the goal of publication, during January. I use that month for closing out the previous year's accounting, getting the taxes ready, cleaning up all the messy stuff hanging around from the previous year - whether it be a cluttered house or a personal issue.

Then when February comes, I'm ready to dive back into writing. I'm probably the only writer who does this, but I find a month away from the biz allows me to come back refreshed. Or at least that's what I tell myself. Good writers are good rationalizers too.

By February, I'm antsy. I guess Leo Rosten was correct when he said long ago, "The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it."

So I pulled out the manuscript I didn't finish last year. To quote another famous writer, Robert Heinlein: "You must write. You must finish what you write."

Sling Words out to begin the process of finishing.

1 comment:

  1. Really? That's interesting. Writing has been uncharacteristically slow for me lately. Yesterday I spent six hours organizing and throwing away everything I could get my hands on. Sometimes I go a little overboard when I de-clutter, LOL.

    And I'm feeling antsy now, too. Itchy. I just haven't been writing like normal.

    Maybe it's the weather?
