No fee contest for unpublished writers

Cynthia Sterling (Harlequin author Cindi Myers) maintains an email list where she publishes market news each week. It's easy to subscribe. Just send a blank email with Subscribe in the subject line to:

and you too can get the latest in writing news.

Today, she listed a writing contest that has no entry fee and a very nice prize. Check it out.

", in conjunction with Borders Books, is sponsoring a First Chapters writing contest. First prize is $5000 and a publishing contract with Simon & Schuster. Through Thursday March 15th, 2007, aspiring novelists will have the opportunity to submit their full-length commercial fiction manuscripts for
consideration. Over the course of the competition, the first three chapters
of entrants’ novels will be posted to the First Chapters Group for evaluation by the Gather community and Editorial team. The community and Gather Editorial team will select five finalists through three rounds of voting. One Grand Prize Winner will be chosen for publication by a special panel of judges. It's free to enter."

All the details are available at the First Chapters website. Sounds like a great opportunity.

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