Deadline dinner

I don't know about you, but I'm always struggling to get meals on the table even though I actually enjoy cooking. (Made this coconut layer cake yesterday for DH's birthday, and it was fabulous!!). Anyway, back to the dinner struggle. Whether you're on a deadline or just time challenged, there are lots of ways to get that food before the family.

Check out my friend Cheryl's blog Family Chow Hall. She has five kids and a hungry husband, and she's an expert at putting meals on the table. I don't know where she finds the time to cook and blog about her kitchen adventures too. She's got some great recipes that are perfect for writers who always have their minds on something other than cooking.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link! One of my New Year's Resolutions was to eat dinner at the table with the family 5 nights a week. And cook. And clean the kitchen.

    I'm a bit obsessed with my writing, but ... some things are just too good to give up. I can't believe I ever forgot how important it was!
