Pralines, pray-lines or prawlines

A praline by any other name is still delicious, fattening, and irresistible.

"I can't imagine a world without pralines," cookbook author Nathalie Dupree wrote in Southern Memories.

Yes, I know this blog is about slinging words, but this is Christmas. I not only sling words but also I sling pecans and brown sugar and butter and all those yummy ingredients as I make my Magic Pralines. I guess you can't grow up in the south without knowing how to make pralines, those yummy melt-in-your-mouth confections.

When the holidays come, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I can't seem to make enough of my special Texas Trash crunch mix and pralines. I give them as gifts to my husband's office, the neighbors, friends, and family. Now that the kids are out of the nest, they expect tins of them when they visit.

So if you've wondered why I've been absent from the blog universe, that's the reason why. I'm spending way too much time sweating over a hot stove rather than a hot keyboard.

About the only writing I've done this past week are the holiday letters I send with the Christmas cards. Since I'm a writer, I feel as if I should put my art to work. I write either an essay or a short fiction piece along with a humorous, hopefully, letter, complete with photographs, recapping the year for those relatives and friends I don't often see.

This year in some of the cards, I enclosed a piece about the song The Twelve Days of Christmas: Christian Fact or Fiction along with the holiday letter. Some on my list got that, some got the holiday letter, and some got both.

If you are a writer, have you written something original to go with your greeting cards? If not, consider doing it next time. After all, we are writers, and writers write.

Sling Words out.

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