POD: Part 2

Now that you're registered, you've, I hope, cruised Lulu and printed out the articles you need to educate yourself as a PUBLISHER and a WRITER because that will be what you are if you self-publish via Lulu and do it the cheapest way possible - meaning free.

Why is it free? Because you do all the work from preparing the manuscript (writing, editing, proofreading, etc.) to publishing the manuscript (formatting it properly, uploading the electronic file, reviewing proof copies to make sure there are no grammatical errors, typos, or other mistakes, setting the price, setting up a storefront in order to sell your book, promoting the book, etc.).

Before all that happens though, you have other decisions to make. So don't upgrade your Lulu account to Creator just yet. There's more knowledge gathering to be accomplished.

1. Familiarize yourself with the Help section on Revenues. How and when they are paid. What's the difference between the retail price and the Lulu price? How to access the numbers regarding your sales. How is your royalty and the Lulu commission calculated? Print, save in your binder, and read all the financial Help section because it's important.

2. Decide what kind of Copyright License you want for your book. Most of you are familiar with "Copyright usually followed by the C in a circle, a date, and a name, and the phrase All Rights Reserved. You may not be aware that there are other possibilities from this full copyright to the Public Domain, No Rights Reserved. Read the Help section about setting license. For further information, to to Creative Commons where this subject is explored in text and even in a comic strip. Print and save in your binder and decide what copyright you want to claim.

3. Learn the difference between claiming copyright and registering copyright. When a work is created, the copyright is automatically yours, but to register the copyright, you fill out a government form, submit payment, and receive a certificate back showing your copyright is registered. A book can be published without registering copyright because the copyright is inherently yours as the creator. Whether you want to claim full copyright or limited is up to you as is whether you want to register copyright. The main reason to register is that it offers you more protection, greater legal recompense, if someone plagiarizes your book and the copyright has been registered.

These last two points may sound as if I'm belaboring the point, but it's important for you to understand the implications of the various licenses and the significance of registration.

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