Onward and upward...sort of

In keeping with my desire to get back to nattering on about writing, I searched my brain this A.M. for something about which to natter and came up, well, blank.

So I'll take the easy way out and do a baby step toward that goal. Here's a quote I particularly like about writing which is, unfortunately, too true.

Out of the mouth of Fran Lebowitz: "If you have a burning, restless urge to write or paint, simply eat something sweet and the feeling will pass."

Gosh, if my diet only allowed me to have waffles and maple syrup for breakfast. I do make the absolute best Pecan Waffles, and I heat the maple syrup which makes the combo simply irresistible.

Sling Words out--going for a walk (since it's only 80F. this morning) to take my mind off waffles.

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