Sex, Murder, and Mint Juleps

Okay, that's my new title for wip. How do you like it?

Primary song on my playlist for this manuscript is Sway by Pussy Cat Dolls. Why? Well, it's playful and sexy, characteristics of my heroine in the wip. And it makes me smile when I hear it which I hope readers do when they read Sex, Murder, and Mint Juleps.

I so agree with Paul Guyot, aka Ink Slinger, about playlists. It was such a relief to discover I'm not the only author who plays the same song endlessly.

Since getting this "new" computer, which came loaded with RealOne, a couple of years ago, I started making playlists. Last year when I returned to writing fiction after nearly four years of a massive, but well-paying, technical writing project I'd taken on, I decided to create a playlist for the manuscript I started writing. I discovered hearing the music I'd selected got me immediately "into" the story.

Now if I hear a particular song, I immediately think of writing a particular scene or manuscript. Kind of like when I hear Janis Joplin's Piece of My Heart, I can close my eyes and remember in detail the road trip I took many years ago, mostly driving at night, from San Francisco to L.A. in my new sports car with Janis wailing on the stereo.

Will post other songs in the playlist another time. Need to get writing.

Sling Words out. (Yeah, as someone commented in an email, that's what Ryan Seacrest says. No, I'm not a Seacrest groupie. I find him mostly annoying, but I guess he's paid well to be that way. I just like that signoff.)


  1. I vote yes for the title and envy you your ability to sling the words as I'm in the depths of a major block right now. Boo hoo, it comes and goes.

  2. Thanks. Glad you like the title. Please accept my sympathy on being blocked. It's no fun.
