The day after yesterday

Remember that scene in the movie Sideways where Paul Giamatti playing a frustrated, unpublished, struggling writer tells Virginia Madsen the title of his book. She looks puzzled then says, "Today? You mean today?"

I don't know why, but that just cracks me up--almost as much as the scene in Office Space where our dubious hero says: "You know, I never liked work. I'm not going to go any more."

Girl asks: "What about bills? How are you going to pay them?"

Hero says: "I never liked them much either. I'm not going to do that any more."

OHHHH! I love that. How many times have we all wanted to repeat the hero's words?

Okay, brothers and sisters who labor, unite! Don a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and sunglasses. Take your chain saw to work and cut that cubicle down. Then tell whichever one of your bosses (my daughter has 8!) you can find that you never liked work, and you're just not going to do it any more! (You could practice singing Johnny Paycheck's song "Take This Job And Shove It" if you can carry a tune and sing with a twang.)

The day after yesterday is the first day of the rest of your life!

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