Weird Wednesday

I feel weird today. Why? Don't know. Just kind of funky and weird and restless. Maybe it's the weather. Very still and yellowish-gray outside. If you live in Texas, you know what that means in April--thunderstorm coming.

5 Weird Things to do when you feel weird:

1. Exercise (yeah, well, that's how I view exercise even though it's a goal of mine this year to make it a fun part of my daily life. Fun? Yeah, right.)

2. Read a chapter from the Bible--any Bible. Why? I don't know. Maybe it will be a mystical experience that will give you profound insight into something you're struggling with.

3. Re-read a book you adore. Why? That's easy. Comfort read.

4. Cook something strange like cactus. Yep. Got some at my local Wally World produce department during a recent shopping trip. It's been residing in the produce drawer of the fridge ever since because I can't figure out what to do with it--other than add it to the compost pile.

5. Meditate. This is my favorite because every time I try to meditate I fall asleep. And as an insomniac, I can use every wink I can get.

Later! I'm off to the compost pile, sucking in my wayward abdomen as I balance the cactus in one hand and the King James version in my other.

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