Link Love: This and That


Love to read? Then you need to join Litsy, a social media for readers. You can post book reviews, quotes from books, or book blurbs.

I joined because I'm first, last, and always a reader. Here's my page if you want to connect.


Archivos is "an online story development and presentation tool that allows you to document and explore your story worlds like never before."

Sounds interesting, but the one thing I could not discover from cruising the Archivos website was cost. Prior to their beta launch there were articles on 3rd party websites that said $60.00 for a storyteller subscription. Nothing on the website says how much it costs.

Interesting World Now, Isn't It?

I don't know that I'd want a car that had no steering wheel or other items necessary to drive it. If you're uncertain about AD, auto drive cars, you might be interested in Fight for the Right to Drive. Geez. I hope it doesn't come to that. I like to drive.

Takeaway Truth

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