The Winners Are

West Houston Romance Writers of America announced the winners of the 2014 Emily Contest. Once again, they had 9 editor/agent requests among the finalists.

Contemporary Single Title Romance

First Place: THE HOUSE OF D'INNOCENZI by Susan J. Bickford (Full request by the agent)

Honorable Mention: SAIL AWAY by Chris Campillo

Honorable Mention: SECOND CHANCE IN SWEETGRASS by Megan Coakley

Fantasy, Futuristic &Paranormal Romance

First Place: ON THE SQUEEZE by Vivien Jackson (Full request by the agent)

Honorable Mention: THE DARK MAN by Buffy M. Armstrong

Honorable Mention: UNCAGED by Crystal Stone w/a Jade O'Dunne. (Full request by agent)

Historical Romance

First Place: WICKED IN HIS ARMS by Louisa Cornell (Full request by agent and full request by editor)

Honorable Mention: A WILD AND WICKED WIND by Laura Trentham (Partial request with revision by agent)

Honorable Mention: CHICAGO & WESTERN by J. Wachowski (Partial request with revision by agent)

Romantic Suspense

First Place: THE KISSING STONES by Natalie Meg Evans (Full request - agent)

Honorable Mention: JAWS OF A TRAP by Susan Dunn w/a Susan Drake (Full request - editor)

Honorable Mention: HAUNTING SECRETS by Kate Freiman

Young Adult/New Adult Romance

First Place: THE QUEEN'S GIFT by T.R. Allardice

Honorable Mention: ALIEN AND THE BEAST by Amy Paulshock

Honorable Mention: PRIDE, PREJUDICE, AND PUSH-UP BRAS by Mary Strand

Best of the Best: To be announced shortly

Takeaway Truth

Congratulations to all.

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