Check Website With Dr. Link Check

I had an email from a reader who told me that my links didn't work on my website. Since I didn't have time to check everything then, I saved the email for later.

Fortunately, I remembered about a free app I had Bookmarked more than a year ago called Dr. Link Check.

This is so easy to use. Just go to Dr. Link Check and type in the website URL. It will check everything, generating a report in the right sidebar. If anything shows up under Broken Links, just click, and a page will open listing the broken links.

There are many reasons why you may have broken links on your website. Websites for individuals or groups are sometimes terminated or the domain name changes or the webhost changes. If you have book buy links, these may change. For instance, I learned from Amy Atwell of Author EMS that if you make any changes to a book published by Kobo, the book link will change.

As it turned out, I had 26 broken links. Most of them were author websites that had moved or closed, but all my Kobo links were broken too.

When you get your list of broken links, take a Screenshot and print it so you can easily check your website and take care of the problems.

Takeaway Truth

If you have a website, keep it up to date by periodically checking the links.

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