Web Reading And Writing

A lot of writers think that if you can successfully write for print publication, then you can write for web publication equally well. However, what they haven't picked up on are the differences between the two. Lack of knowledge about the differences may keep someone from succeeding at web writing.

Online Reading

Online reading is more tiring to the eyes. People who read online actually read differently than if they were reading something printed like a book or newspaper. When reading online, one doesn't usually read every word. The eyes skim across the presented text, picking out the most interesting part and reading that. Therefore, the text must be formatted a little differently as well as be a little different in content.

5 Web Writing Rules

1. Don't write flowery prose. Web readers visit a website for something specific usually. Give them what they came for. Make it creative and interesting but don't get bogged down in detail and extraneous description or the reader will just move on.

2. Don't write like you're giving a lecture to a college class. Save those big vocabulary words for faculty teas and use the words everyone else uses. In other words, keep the tone casual as if you were having a conversation with someone.

3. Don't create huge long blocks of text. Write short paragraphs.

4. Break up the flow of text with Subheadings.

5. If possible, give bullet points or numbered lists. Short lists are best.

Takeaway Truth

Whatever format you use in writing, always give something of value that helps the reader in some way.


  1. Great Advice!

    I am guilty of wall of text syndrome. Going to look for that next time.


  2. Hello, Ice! How's it going? A lot of people have that tourist attraction - The Great Wall of Text - on their blogs. *g*

  3. The odd thing?

    Those five rules work for print writing, too.
