Hurray for RWA

RWA is, dollar for dollar, the best investment a writer can make. What? You don't know what RWA is? Why it's the Romance Writers of America, a nonprofit organization founded back in the 1980's in my town, that's Houston, Texas, to the uninitiated.

I was just reading the most recent issue of Romance Writers Report, the official magazine of RWA, and was overcome with admiration. I've been a member for a long-time and have always received my money's worth for my annual dues, a measly $75 bucks. The magazine alone with its market and agent update, the articles on the craft and business of writing, and the interviews with publishing professionals as well as successful writers is worth the dues.

I've heard other published writers say they never would have been published if it hadn't been for RWA.

Good writing is good writing regardless of the genre in which you work so RWA has something to offer all writers. So, if you're struggling in the barren wasteland of the unpublished, do yourself a favor and check out the dynamic RWA.

Sling Words, climbing off her soapbox to prepare an early dinner. This is the night for the premiere of Battlestar Galactica. Enough said?

So say we all.

(Oh, embarrassing moment. I said a dinner blessing at Thanksgiving and closed with SO SAY WE ALL. The family laughed. They know I'm cracked. Then we all said a hearty Amen.)

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