The siren call of the fictional world

Got Stevie Ray playing with Floodin' Down In Texas so appropriate as I watch the storm clouds roll by. I thought I was going to have to get the tranquilizer gun out when the power went off earlier today during the British Open. DH hit the panic button when he couldn't see what Tiger did on the 14th hole and the succeeding ones. Thought I was going to have to trank him, but, thankfully, the power came back on by the 17th hole. Tiger won, and all is right in my husband's golfing world. Thank goodness. I hate it when he sulks all Sunday afternoon because Tiger didn't rack up another win.

Bam! I'm getting ready to kick it up another notch and get my manuscript finished. Sure am having a lot of fun with the characters and the story. My brain is becoming more and more preoccupied with the fictional world I visit each day. Had thought I would take today off from writing, but I've been whittling on the log line for the story. I've had a log line for Eat, Drink, and Kill Mary, but on second draft, I've had some of those serendipitous things happen that make a writer laugh out loud with joy. So I have to change the log line, and I think I'm going to change the title too. Maybe. Still like my original title, but I've thought of one that is also good and maybe reflects the romantic comedy/chick lit tone of the mystery. After all, my roots are in romance.

Sling Words out.


  1. I love the moment when the story veers away from the outline and the characters take on their own voices. That's when I know it's going to be a story worth telling.

  2. Yes!! And that's what happened. I fought rewriting this because I'd "finished" the book except for some polishing. I didn't want to rip it apart and start over which is what these changes amount to. But I couldn't fight it any longer. Now I'm a happy camper.
